Combine alarm clock with motion detector

Hey everyone, after an hour of testing, I still can’t get it to work. Can you guys help me?
After the alarm clock is turned off and someone is detected by the motion detector within 1 hour, it should perform something. In the following yaml file, a radio will finally turn on. The light is only for testing.

alias: Morgenroutine
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.pixel_6_pro_next_alarm
    attribute: Local Time
      hours: 1
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  - type: is_motion
    condition: device
    device_id: 1b8c7836079c80bb0a74f25390785dca
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_bewegungsmelder_esszimmer_occupancy
    domain: binary_sensor
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 2885bce8c9962b2b0dd32b9165d44598
    entity_id: light.buro_decke
    domain: light
mode: single

I think it waits for an hour before checking the conditions.

Perhaps it should be the other way round (not real code below):

trigger: motion detected
condition: time is <=1 hr after alarm went off

What is the state of sensor.pixel_6_pro_next_alarm , after the alarm has been turned off?

I think you may be misunderstanding how triggers and conditions work.

The way you have set up your trigger, it will fire when the Local Time attribute of the next alarm sensor has been in a stable state for 1 hour. If you have at least one alarm scheduled every day, and there is more than an hour between your alarms, the trigger will fire 1 hour after your alarm sounds.

Be aware that there is no specific state for the alarm being turned off. The sensor’s state simply changes to the next scheduled time, or to “unavailable” if there isn’t another alarm scheduled. Also, the Local Time attribute does not exist when there isn’t another alarm scheduled. These factors need to be planned for in your trigger.

Conditions do not wait. If the motion sensor is not detecting motion at the moment the trigger fires, the condition will fail and the automation will stop. If you want to allow a timespan in which another event can occur, you need to use a Wait action

alias: Morgenroutine
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.pixel_6_pro_next_alarm
    attribute: Local Time
  - platform: state
      - sensor.pixel_6_pro_next_alarm
    to: unavailable
    not_from: unknown
condition: []
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_bewegungsmelder_esszimmer_occupancy
        to: 'on'
    timeout: "01:00:00"
    continue_on_timeout: false
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 2885bce8c9962b2b0dd32b9165d44598
    entity_id: light.buro_decke
    domain: light
mode: single

If the alarm on the phone is used for more than just a once-a-day/morning alarm, keep in mind that this automation will also be triggered whenever a new alarm is added that is sooner than the existing next alarm. This might not be a problem, but you should consider additional conditions for when you do not want this automation to perform its actions. For example, when specific people are or are not home, certain times of the day or days of the week.

Wow, this works great! Thank you. You’re right, I didn’t really understand the automations yet, but now learned a bit more. Thank you