Combining 'check-button-card' and 'auto-entities'

Hi all,

I have configured some household tasks with the check-button-card. Now I would like to sort these cards on their due-date (which is an attribute of the entity).

I’ve come up with this, but it only shows one card, asking if the sensor should be created (the default for the check-button-card). It looks like the check-button-card did not get the entity from the auto-entities card.

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: custom:check-button-card
  due: true
  timeout: 3 days
  color: Green
    - value: 0 days
      color: Red
    - value: 1 days
      color: Blue
    - entity_id: sensor.task_*
  method: attribute
  attribute: timeout_timestamp

I’ve checked the working of the auto-entities card by replacing the card:type with entities; the three entities are shown then.