Combining device trackers - will it drain the battery?

Given how Life360 has gone massively and dramatically downhill in the last few weeks I’d like to combine it with another location/GPS tracker to restore the accuracy that was once provided by life360 on its own. Such as Google Maps/iCloud/Owntracks or option d) _______ ?
I’m concerned that if I do this my phone battery life will just plummet. Or is that not how it works?
Thanks all

Owntracks only polls the gps when its requested to. Its not a continuous thing per se unless you want it to be. i’ve been using it for over 2 years without any issue. HA makes a request every 10 minutes or so and it just spits back its current location.

Ah, thanks, I need something that will (accurately) alert HA on significant location changes and will let HA know I and the rest of the family are home without delay (need to disarm the alarm, turn on lights and perform other automations). Sounds like owntracks won’t suit. Useful to know. Thanks

Thats what owntrack zones are for… and ping, and nmap. Just to name a few.

Yeah, I already use the Unifi component (think of it as nmap equivalent). I also use a Bluetooth tracker. But I have also found that even with those two, it’s handy to have a GPS based tracker. But if owntrack zones is subject to the same 10 minute polling interval it won’t be speedy enough for me.

You can change on Owntrack app this value, I set it to 15sec. And you should also change “distance between location updates” to have a better track.
Right now I have 3 GPS track on my phone: Google Sharing, Life360 and Owntrack.
Battery is not draining at all. I have a good result of my location at any time.