Hi, I have some command line sensor calling data from an external website. They worked for around 2 years but now, I thing since 2022.5.x they broke. What I found in the logs was that I need default values for external data if they do not return a number on load. So I changed my sensor to this
- platform: command_line
name: "Draussen Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit"
command: 'curl "https://mydomain.com/luftfeuchte.php?temp={{ state_attr("weather.openweathermap", "temperature") | float(23)}}&pressure={{ state_attr("weather.openweathermap", "humidity") | float(64)}}"'
unit_of_measurement: "g/m³"
I do not get errors anymore but the sensors do not show up anymore in my setup.
Anything I miss that changed?