Communicating with Google Assistant

Hi all,

I wanted to set up an automation where I could create my own tasks with my own parameters. I wanted to use Google Assistant as a way to pass on the data. I found the Conversational Actions in Google which was a perfect fit, but I recently found out that it was going to be disabled next year.

The question now is are there any alternatives to that solution. I’m looking for a simple way (with minimal coding) to get the message content from Google Assistant (preferably in Node Red). Here is an example:

Me: Hey Google, create a task.
Assistant: What is the task name?
Me: Water plants.
Assistant: What’s the time period?
Me: Two days.
Assistant: The Water plants task has been created.

I tried using the Conversation service of Home Assistant, but I couldn’t find a way to get the content of the message that I’ve said. I could only call the Conversation service from Node Red.