Hi All
I have a Solis S5-GR3P5K-AU inverter and I am trying to work out how to obtain actual power generated from it. I have read every post on this forum relating to Solis, but all are quite old and don’t have the issues I am currently having. Here is what I have found so far:
There is no /config_hide.html webpage on my data logger. This just returns a webpage not found.
When I log into my data logger (internal) I am greeted with a pretty basic page. Under the inverter information heading, which looks like it is just reading from status.html, everything is 0. Sometimes I see it update with real values, then eventually goes back to 0. The inverter is definitely on.
I can see my inverter data in soliscloud.com. Trying to get data from the website is impossible.
I am not sure how to handle the login to scrape the data from this page. It looks like basic auth, So even scraping this page I am guessing would return 0 values? I am trying to use nodered at the moment to do this, so not how to configure the http request node in order to pull the data.
Has anyone managed to get this working? All I want is to know how much I am generating.