Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB

Are you using the new user authentication system?

Ugh. Yuuuuup.

Is the add-on compatible? It seemed to work fine for awhile, but the auth system has broken so many things I can’t really keep track any more. There was at least a week or two between when I updated to new auth and when this stopped working, including multiple restarts

Update: HA is still dumping info into the actual database, because Grafana can still interact with it just fine. It appears to be Chronograf and Kapacitor that are having problems?

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I am having this exact same issue
 I remember this happened to me a month ago as well and after trying everything the only option for me was to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it losing all my data. This is what I get now again

INFO: Starting the Kapacitor
 ##::'##::::'## ##::: ##.... ##:::'## ##:::'##... ##:. ##::... ##..::'##.... ##: ##.... ##:
 ##:'##::::'##:. ##:: ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ##:::..::: ##::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##:
 #####::::'##:::. ##: ########::'##:::. ##: ##:::::::: ##::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ########::
 ##. ##::: #########: ##.....::: #########: ##:::::::: ##::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##.. ##:::
 ##:. ##:: ##.... ##: ##:::::::: ##.... ##: ##::: ##:: ##::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##::
 ##::. ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::::::: ##:::: ##:. ######::'####:::: ##::::. #######:: ##:::. ##:
2018/09/19 19:49:12 Using configuration at: /etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf
ts=2018-09-19T19:49:13.731+01:00 lvl=error msg="encountered error" service=run err="open server: open service *influxdb.Service: failed to link subscription on startup: authorization failed"
run: open server: open service *influxdb.Service: failed to link subscription on startup: authorization failed
time="2018-09-19T19:49:15+01:00" level=info msg="Response: OK" component=server method=GET remote_addr="" response_time="131.406”s" status=200 
INFO: Starting the Kapacitor

Would really appreciate if we can get help with this

same here :frowning:

Sadly, upvote on the authorization issue.
BTW, the Add-on log has

18-09-24 04:03:07 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /host/info access from a0d7b954_influxdb
18-09-24 04:03:12 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /addons/a0d7b954_influxdb/info no role for a0d7b954_influxdb

That is a new Hassio feature which is not “enforced” yet, so that is just informational. All add-on in the community project will receive an update soon to mitigate that warning.

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Update on the issue listed by a couple of people here. You can track progress on the GitHub issue:



I have installed hassio on NUC.
Is possible change the path of influxdb data to another disk. How?
Thank you

Depends on the type of installation. With HassOS & ResinOS, that would quite hard and almost impossible.
With a Generic Linux installation of Hass.io (e.g. on Ubuntu) you could remount the data folder onto a different drive (this is an more advanced and unsupported method).

:tada: Release v1.1.0

Full Changelog


  • Adds in wait for InfluxDB to become ready (#6)


  • Upgrades Ubuntu Base image to 2.2.0
  • Adds Hassio API security role
  • Upgrades Nginx to 1.14.0-0ubuntu1.1
  • Upgrades InfluxDB to 1.6.3
  • Upgrades Chronograph to 1.6.2

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck


:tada: Release v1.1.1

Full Changelog


  • Fixes typo in function call

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck

Thank you @frenck InfluxDB is now running just fine. Appreciate your hard work.

Oops, addon is not starting anymore since last update. Logs:

[cont-init.d] 20-system-users.sh: executing... 
INFO: InfluxDB init process in progress...
FATAL: InfluxDB init process failed.
[cont-init.d] 20-system-users.sh: exited 1.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] 99-message.sh: executing... 
                Oops! Something went wrong.
 We are so sorry, but something went terribly wrong when
 starting or running this add-on.
 Be sure to check the log above, line by line, for hints.

I am having issues with the influxdb add-on.
It installs fine, runs fine, I can open the Webgui. Grafana can connect to it.
But I am not able to get it to run in Hassio.

On my dashboard I see:
Invalid config
the following components and platforms could not be not be setup:
Please check your config

My log file shows the following:
Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize.

15:48 setup.py (ERROR)

Database host is not accessible due to ‘HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘a0d7b954_influxdb’, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=homeassistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x70be6a90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve’,))’, please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE

15:48 components/influxdb.py (ERROR)

In my configuration I have the following:
host: a0d7b954_influxdb
port: 8086
database: homeassistant
username: homeassistant
password: ***********
max_retries: 3
default_measurement: state

it appears that my issue was with the host. Although Grafana can connect to the mentioned docker host. Hassio doesnt seem to be able. Once changed to it works.

For host you’ll need to replace the _ with a -, so it should be a0d7b954-influxdb.

This is well documented in the readme: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-influxdb#integrating-into-home-assistant

thanks, I feel silly for missing that :slight_smile:

Was apparently already reported in Github

How can I access this addon installed on another instance of HA? I have tried every combo to connect to the instance and I get a config error everytime but I can’t find any details in the log regarding the issue.

Current config

  port: 8086
  database: homeassistant
  username: !secret influxdbuser
  password: !secret influxdbpass
  max_retries: 3
  default_measurement: state