Time for the fifth enactment of the Community Highlights!
We’ve received quite a few recommendations, but also closely monitored social media and found some gems to share again!
Controlling 7! marine aquariums with Home Assistant
Let’s start with showcasing a highly unusual, but impressive, Home Assistant setup. It is shared on our Facebook group by Kevin McPeake. Kevin’s setup has a total of 5 Home Assistant instances, controlling 7x marine aquariums!
 Kevin's impressive setup for his 7 aquariums.
Those are some big views Kevin! I bet you will be happy with the new Lovelace features that are coming in Home Assistant Core 0.107. It will help you to trim down that a bit, into multiple Lovelace Dashboards (now in beta, sneak peak?).
Click here to check out Kevin’s post on our Facebook group.
Thanks, Walt_H for sending in this item! 👍
Live energy consumption screen
Energy saving is good for the environment (and your wallet). However, to do that,
you have to become aware of your actual usage. /u/Lau-ie
shared his energy
consumption screen on our subreddit.
This gives insight into the current usage, but also in the usage & costs of the consumed energy of the last 24 hours.
New energyconsumption screen, still tweaking it. from r/homeassistant
Do you actively monitor your energy usage? What does your dashboard look like?
A DIY smart magnetic key holder
And here is one from James Callaghan, who created really smart and easy to replicate magnet key holder, using a Xiaomi Aqara Door/Window sensor. Yes, this key holder works on Zigbee.
My mind goes crazy at the number of problems a single sensor can solve. For me, this was for reassurance using @****home_assistant**** but when you think how this could be applied elsewhere concierge services to those with memory issues etc.. #smarthome #inclusivity #accessibility #IoT pic.twitter.com/sirygbCE7p
— James Callaghan #Microsoft (@jamescallaghan) March 9, 2020
Consumer Reports: Open call for non-resident technologist fellows
Consumer Reports is an American non-profit organization that does independent, (product) testing and research for consumers to provide truth, transparency and fairness. Their results are published in a monthly magazine and on their website.
The Consumer Reports Digital Lab offers paid, non-resident fellowships to study the effects of connected (IoT) products and services. They welcome anyone interested in public technology research to apply for the fellowship.
If you are interested in this, more information can be found here:
Got a tip for the next edition?
Have you seen (or made) something awesome, interesting, unique, amazing, inspirational, unusual or funny, using Home Assistant?
Click here to send us your Community Highlight suggestion.
Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us via Social Media:
See you next edition!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/03/15/community-highlights/