Compiling takes ages

I’m completely new to ESPHome, so it might be a known issue that I simply cannot find on the net because I have too little experience to even ask google the right question.
My Problem: I’m running in docker on a windows 11 enterprise machine (intel i9 with 32 GB ram and nvme drive). So, the machine should not be a performance issue. But starting

docker run --rm --privileged -v "C:\test":/config --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 -it run livingroom.yaml

starts downloading components and then takes hours to unpack and install them - with about 10% CPU load.

What am I doing wrong?

I don’t know but with that machine compiling should be quick for sure.

Maybe it’ll point you to what’s wrong if you run with --verbose.

When I’ve had this problem with other images it’s been due to dependencies failing.

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