Rasspberry 3B
Python version 3.7.5
Home Assistant 0.102.1
Component error: mobile_app - /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25’ not found (required by /home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nacl/_sodium.abi3.so)
I am crazing.I can’t use HA iOS app in my phone.how to fix it.Please help me.Thanks.
Here is how I fixed it, because I’m still running stretch.
activate your venv and run the following commands: (they take a while because its compiling vs downloading)
**EDIT - since the update to 103 seems to also need an updated glibc for openzwave, I bit the bullet and did an in place upgrade from stretch to buster.
It went smooth as silk. I’m running from SSD so the upgrade took less than an hour.
So for those of you still on stretch, I’d suggest doing the upgrade because it takes about as long as recompiling these deps each time.