A couple months ago I had experimented with adding firetv: (later “androidtv”). Got the registration with the fire tv done, but ran into other problems with trying to actually do anything with it and gave up for a bit. I had also successfully added my LG TV (webostv:), but also had problems actually using that to, so gave up (temporarily) as well. Point being, they worked at one time (although that was on a different system – on a RP). Decided to revisit androidtv: a week or two ago. WIth just “androidtv:” in my configuration.yaml file, I would get the following error:
Error during setup of component webostv
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/setup.py”, line 154, in _async_setup_component
component.setup, hass, processed_config) # type: ignore
AttributeError: module ‘homeassistant.components.webostv’ has no attribute ‘setup’
[edit: I noticed I mistakenly pasted the webostv version of the error above on accident – it’s almost the exact same wording with androidtv.]
Figured maybe a bug with the component code, so figured I’d wait a HA update or two and see if fixed. After a couple weeks of HA updates I still get the error.
Now, trying to get webostv to work again I get the same error (but for the webostv setup). I can’t find any pointers for this kind of a problem in the forums. I’d really appreciate any troubleshooting direction on this.
Running the latest hassio (90.2) on ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04.2) in docker containers.
Did a fresh install and after only installing the duckdns and visual studio code addons (no errors; both working fine) tried adding the “webostv:” to my configuration.yaml and got the same error.
With adding “webostv:” (again, same with “androidtv:”) I get the setup error described above.
WIth adding (exactly per the docs)
- platform: webostv
I get the following error:
“2019-03-29 07:20:55 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.webostv.media_player] No TV found in configuration file or with discovery”
I had started out with copying that exactly from the doc, but when I got the above error, I’d tried to simplify it by just adding the “webostv:” line instead (and started getting the setup error instead). To be honest, I’d forgot I’d done that… I realize not explaining I’d done that probably made it harder for anyone trying to help. Sorry about that. Regardless, still doesn’t work.
Just to vent for a brief moment…
I’m grateful for the hard work a lot people a lot smarter than me have done on HA, and I really like it. But, the following is such a typical thing I’ve run into over the last few months with HA, and sometimes it takes a lot of deep breaths to prevent screaming in frustration.
As I continued to try different things to solve this on my own, I just simply added a “host:” line (which is optional). So now it read:
No other changes…and HA won’t load now. Tring my local ip (usually works fine) and my new remote naba casu URL (also worked fine before) don’t work. Looks like another fresh install and start over
Just saw your reply while typing the above, so here’s my response to that:
TV definitely on. TV in “Allow connected apps” mode (or whatever the similar wording on the setting). What you recommended trying is exactly what I’d just tried and describe above. Great minds think alike. Sadly, that didn’t work out very well.
Now HA is not starting? You can still edit the config file to how it was before with one of the addons like configurator, IDE or VSCode (if your using hassio).
Thanks again. Unfortunately, I have no access like that. I’ve had to re-install HA probably close to 10 times in the last few months. I almost always nearly immediately install configurator then other addons. These last few days I’d started using VSC, so I didn’t think configurator necessary. Also, I always install samba and SSH. I’d installed NONE of the above (edit to clarify: none except VCS and duckdns – figured that was the “minimal” I’d get by with while troubleshooting) this morning in my attempt to limit things that might have been conflicting with, and contributing to, the webostv/androidtv errors. So, really don’t think I can fix this without reinstalling.
Gets worse:( I recently switched to running hassio on ubuntu in docker containers. Seemed to work fine (although I’ve wondered if that might actually be the problem with webostv?). However, in my effort just now to avoid reinstalling HA, I thought I’d try to restart the containers using portainer. After several attempts (some containers would restart, some wouldn’t…tried several times), I managed to cause the portainer container itself not to start, so zero access now (remotely) to my containers.
I’ll go over to my laptop (2 feet away) and try to recover it locally. But, I’ve lived this dream twice already. I won’t be able to stop the hassio supervisor container – it’s run as some sort of service (as opposed to a normal container – if that makes sense?), so no matter what I do, it keeps restarting. I’ve ended up just reinstalling ubuntu from scratch the last two times in this situation. I realize a lot of my problems are because I’m just above a beginner at HA and linux to cause damage, but not smart enough to handle is right.
If you have Ubuntu then you have access to the config files!!! Why do you keep reinstalling all the time? That is totally unnecessary. I can’t give the exact config path… /use/share/hassio/homeassistant something like that. Also, the very things you need to do any troubleshooting are the ssh addon and samba. You are just asking for trouble not having those.
Solution: find your config files and fix it most likely whatever you changed. I’m guessing after you changed your config you rebooted the host instead of just restarting home assistant. Restarting is the way you do it because then if there is a config error homeassistant won’t restart and the log will tell you why before you end up with a non functional system.
Thanks for that advice. Will try to access the config files from ubuntu. I think its tricky because they are in docker containers, but I’ll do some googling and figure out how to.Great point that I should have installed ssh and samba first (like I’ve normally done in the past).
I truly only (carefully) added the “host:” line, saved the file, and then in the terminal at the bottom of VCS typed “hassio ha restart.”
Finally able to get into the container and then find the config directory (both took some time to figure out!). The config directory is empty. Maybe it’s the wrong one; not sure.
While at it, I also tried a number of things using docker commands. Restarting one at a time in different orders (since I’d read at one point the order of starting the containers matters). Nothing worked. Either way, so far down another rabbit-hole, I’m just reinstalling ubuntu and HA. USB stick with ubuntu was still sitting there from last night, and I know right where to find the commands to actually get hassio on ubuntu running. Start to finish only about 30 minutes, so might as well.
The data is not stored in any container. It will be in the directory I indicated… just navigate using your normal ssh…
Containers are throw away… they do not keep any persistent data!!! Look in regular ssh or winscp if you use windows… Or from the ssh Ubuntu session type find configuration.yaml