Dear all,
I have just started the whole Home Assistant journey. I am comfortable with the scripting, but hardware… I need plug-and-play! I started by making a backup of HA, so I could revert. My first attempted failed, so I reverted, and started over, multiple reboots, but still nothing.
So I have a raspberry with Home Assistant OS 6.6, everything is working well, but now, zigbee.
- plugged in the Conbee 2 stick with USB extension cord.
- hardware detection is OK:
/dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_ .... etc
- Installed add-on changed config, to the above-mentioned. And start add-on
In log file of add-in
[22:33:07] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
22:33:09:681 discovery network reply error: Host not found
22:33:10:733 saved node state in 0 ms
22:33:10:734 sync() in 0 ms
22:33:53:732 Device TTL 1261 s flags: 0x7
22:34:53:732 Device TTL 1201 s flags: 0x7
22:35:53:731 Device TTL 1141 s flags: 0x7
This just keeps on going.
23:03:56:223 Remove websocket after error Unknown error, close-code: 1000, reason:
23:04:02:535 Device TTL 3023 s flags: 0x7
23:05:02:535 Device TTL 2963 s flags: 0x7
23:06:02:536 Device TTL 2903 s flags: 0x7
23:06:18:532 GW firmware version: 0x26660700
23:06:18:533 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26660700
- Open phoscon. On the right top I find an IP ending on 33.2.
- However when in phoscon I go to help > API information: it displays a cofig of /lcoal ip:8123/api/hassio_ingress/xxxx/api/xx/
"config": {
"apiversion": "2.12.06",
"devicename": "ConBee II",
"dhcp": true,
"gateway": "",
I cannot add any products. Is this my problem?
Kind regards Ingrid