ConBee USB Stick with Visonic MCT-340 E

I recently purchase a ConBee USB stick to work with my many Visonic MCT-340 E. The problem is, I cannot get the ConBee configured. I’m able to access the web interface goes to a login screen, I login with credentials I created and then to a new page called “Connect ligths”. I don’t want to connect lights, I want to use the door sensors I have.

Trying to use the deconz module in “Configuration” opens a modal window:

Unlock your deCONZ gateway to register with Home Assistant.

Go to deCONZ system settings
Press “Unlock Gateway” button

I have no idea how to access the deCONZ system settings as I’m on the CLI without a GUI. Ideas?

I’m quite sure you can just use that screen to configure your first sensor (hit the pair/connect button and then whatever button on your device to pair it). You need to get past that screen to get to the configuration options that include unlocking the gateway for configuring it in HA.

I think there is a thread on this on deconz github

I noticed there was a way to close the window that was asking to pair the lights. So, I guess I got into the web interface for the conbee usb stick, but there is still no “Unlock Gateway” or similar. There’s a place to sync sensors, which it doesn’t find my sensors when they’re put in pairing mode.

Which deconz github are you referring to? I didn’t find anything relevant on the dresden-elektronik github. Any suggestions? I’m at a stand still as I don’t know where to go from here.

You need to choose Gateway - Advanced - Authenticate App.

@fiber0pti Could you please confirm if you ever got a chance to get the MCT-340E work with the Conbee USB stick? If yes, how did you go about pairing the sensor?

Nope, couldn’t even get the Conbee configured. Seemed like I needed a windows machine to start the process.

You never got it paired?

Never. I couldn’t even get the ConBee to be recognized by HA. All of the instructions pointed towards downloading some Windows app. I don’t have a windows machine.

At some point I got into the interface but it didn’t have the options the instructions mentioned so I figured I needed to use the windows program the instructions referenced to even get to that point.

Pretty disappointed.

There are instructions on how to bypass the light link post in the web now. So setting up deconz in docker or ordinary linux should work for you

Appreciate the update, I’m not sure what that means though. I’m using on a raspberry pi.

You’re issue was that you couldn’t get past the prompt about adding a light in deconz right?

I’m really not sure. I remember getting into the interface, I couldn’t add my motion sensor and I believe the stick wasn’t recognized by HA. I’d have to get back into it and see what where I got stuck.

Do you know where the method to bypass what you were talking about is?

It should be quite easy to find on deconz GitHub if you search there.

For diagnostics I’d start by verifying that deconz actually finds the usb stick