Hello HA world,
I’m looking for a condition function to have a state for a minimum of time. I hope someone of you could help me.
My Idea is something like this:
- alias: "test"
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: '/7'
- condition: and
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ states.cover.room1.attributes.current_position > 70 }}'
minutes: >10 # that my issue! > time of state
- service_template: input_boolean.on
entity_id: input_boolean.test2
And the time_pattern should be a lot smaller, such that it checks all 30 seconds or so, not only every 7 minutes.
The condition you did in your original post only checks it every 7 minutes, so “for 10 minutes” only triggers after the second time it checks the state (14 minutes).
time_pattern minutes: /7:
7 min => Don’t trigger
14 min => Trigger
time_pattern seconds: /30:
9:00 min => Don’t trigger
9:30 min => Don’t trigger
10:00 min => Trigger
Another tip: Also don’t use time_patterns too small (like 1 second) to avoid unnecessary resource usage.