Conditional card (when no conditions met) leaves a extra gap for adjacent cards

For some reason when my conditional card is hidden (when there are no conditions met), there’s an extra gap left between adjacent cards (above the bathroom card below). How can I fix that gap so it matches all the normal gaps between cards? If this is a limitation of Lovelace, maybe someone could tell me how to make the conditional card to be a placeholder empty card with a title in it …until a condition is met.

Below, is the code for my conditional card:

  - card:
      entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_roku_roku_premiere_yr0036878378
      type: media-control
      - entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_roku_roku_premiere_yr0036878378
        state: playing
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_roku_roku_premiere_yr0036878378
      type: media-control
      - entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_roku_roku_premiere_yr0036878378
        state: paused
    type: conditional
type: vertical-stack

I had this issue and raised it back when Lovelace was first created… it didn’t get any traction, but then it just started working properly at some stage without me making any code change. So I really don’t know how to help

I wonder what is it that changed to cause yours to display correctly.

It seems like media cards have a different gap size than all other cards; even when they have something to display.

I just made some changes to one of my lovalace pages and found that after deleting a card, the gap re-appeared for where the conditional cards would show up. It seems to have something to do with spacing the cards out across the screen.

I removed a card from where the red mark is and now the conditional card gaps push the others across despite not being shown today

Thanks Dave, that makes sense. My layout has 3 vertical columns just like yours. If you happen to figure some kind of trick to avoid getting that gap, please post here.