Config flow available input field types?

is there any documentation what kind of form fields are available when creating a config flow?
I understand that the voluptuous definitions generate the input fields - but I’m missing a documentation on how to create specific fields like checkboxes, radiobuttons, dropdown lists, string input fields with an “autocomplete”/suggestion features…
where would I find such documentation?

Just trying to outline why this is so frustrating:
I’m search for things like “home assitant config flow multiselect” and similar - find nothing really conclusive the ha dev documentation does not say anything about how to create certain input fields or select boxes… “by accident” I find a forum entry that mentions “selector.SelectSelector” searching for this yields nothing helpfull so I’m left with searching the whole HA sourcecode for usages of this to try to infer on how to use this… isn’t there any documentation that selector.SelectSelector exists? is there any documentation on how to use it or what configuration options exist for it?
I have the feeling that I’m missing something obvious… because I cant believe that the suggested way is to look through source code and analyse every occurence of this piece of code and hope that someone is using it in a way I also need it…
Or is it expected that I read through the all the files in “helpers” directory and trial and error the different classes?
There must be another way right??

Thanks for the help.

The data entry documentation gives some examples of this with a link to the different selectors available.

To directly answer some of you examples:

String is a str
Checkbox is a boolean
Radio buttons is a select selector with less than 5 options, otherwise it will be a dropdown selector (can also be forced to dropdown). This has a coded example on the link below.

Below page also shows how to do auto complete fields.

thanks for your reply.
I would like to have the following:
A dropdown list that contains (around 200) options which is obviously to many to scroll through so typing in the field should “search” in the available options.
the options are in the form {123:“option name”,…} so I want the user to search for the name of the option, but “in the background” the id of the option should be “saved”.
But the field should also be a multiselect - so if you select something from this list it should be added to a “selected items list”.
is this even possible out of the box? should it be possible with “SelectSelector”

I think “selector.SelectSelector” is exactly what I need… but frustratingly I just found it “by accident” (see edit in first post)
How am I supposed to find that this exists and how to use it and its options?

This is documented under blueprints but the components are the same.

That and it is listed in the selectors link in the first paragraph of the link i sent you and pointed out in my answer (which explains all selectors available) and also shown in the first example on the page where the link takes you.

They are not that well documented for how to use in a config flow as the link to them from the link i sent you takes you to the blueprint page (same as @karwosts also provided) but if you look at the first example of how you use the select selector and also view the blueprints info on the select selector, it will give you a good idea how to do it.