Config splitting, on file at list is not executed

Hello, I split my automation.yaml into many files in one directory named automation.
I do that with the line:automation: !include_dir_list automations
I have 27 files with one automation for each file.
I check the config even with the config/server control/configuration validation and from the terminal executing hassio homeassistant check.
All config check are ok but on file at list is not executed.
The trigger of this file is sunset and I don’t see it on the logbook.
I made an other (sunrisetest.yaml) file with the same trigger and this file run well.
I don’t understant why the file sunrise.yaml is not triggered

The code of this file is:

alias: Lights on before Sunrise
    platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: '00:00:00'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.home_presence
        state: 'on'
  - service: homeassistant.turn_on
         entity_id: light.escalier
  - service: notify.pushbullet
       title: "Home assistant sunset"
       message: "Sunset, on allume l'escalier.."
  - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "cmnd/b0704d58c57d3b4bbacadaf645505c4/color"
        payload: "{\"effect\":\"rainbow1\"}"
  - service: homeassistant.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.globe_terrestre

Many thanks for your help !
best regards

You are not going to get anyone to look at this till you submit code as preformatted text </>
Please read the sticky at the top of the forum

I modified my post, is it correct now ?
Best regards

Much better, thank you.
Though you still have not read the guidelines.
Regardless I’m going to bed now, I’ll look again in the morning.
Maybe someone else will be by before I do

you have a lot of indentation errors but I’m going to assume those are copy/paste errors or you would have errors in the config check. however you should correct those in the code you posted to make sure there is no confusion later.

if you trigger the automation manually do all of the actions get executed?

hint: go to dev-tools states page and click on the “circled i” on the left of the automation. then click “trigger” in the box that pops up.

thanks for your reply.

I just do a copy past, without any modification.
I don’t know wich ident is wrong, and please tell me.

I try to run manualy the automation by using configuration/automatisation and don’t see the automatisation not executing !

It is like the file is missing.

Is that some reserved words for file name like sunrise.yaml
I double check the file speeling, even the extention and ther is nothing special…


Finaly I am able to execute my automation !!!

I change the alias name, reducing the lenght and now it is ok, I see it in the automation editor.
May be in the check code, the alias lenght must be tested…

Best regards for all helping people.

I really don’t know why changing the alias name would cause it to work. the alias doesn’t look bad to me. i have ones that are longer.

I suspect there may have been something else that was going on. Maybe it was the file name but there shouldn’t be any “reserved” words that you can’t use in a file name as far as I know.

But at least it’s working for you.

I don’t me too ! but I am a newbee…
I changed only the alias and I see it on the automation list.
Many thanks !

In fact…
From the change of the lenght of the alias, now I see the automation in the list of automation editor.
But… this automation as not started at sunrise.
I started it manually in the automation editor and the execution was good.
But why it doesn’t starfed automaticaly ?


First, I missed that you were looking for it in the automation editor. I bet if you kept the same alias and looked for it in the dev tools states page it would have been there. I don’t use the automation editor so I’m not really sure what the rules are for that.

Next in your first post you have it set to trigger at sunset (with a useless entry for an offset of 0 minutes) but now you are saying it doesn’t trigger at sunrise. If you haven’t changed it from your first post then that is to be expected.

First, I just had a look in the automation editor because I see the list of autmations.
The list is the same as the list in the dev tool. So in the dev tool I see the automation that doesnt work.
Second, english is not my mother language and I do some mistake with sunset and sunrise.
The automation with the problem is when the sun disapear, to switch the light on at this event.
I have another automation, just for test, this automation only send a notification at the sunrise (even when the sun diapear). This automation work as expected.
Best regards