Config warning with default_config and MQTT retain flag


I’m using MQTT for climate control and have the devices configured like that:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'Arbeitszimmer Ventil'
    qos: 2
    retain: true
    current_temperature_topic: 'az_t/temperature'
    mode_command_topic: 'az_t/temperature/set'
    mode_state_topic: 'az_t/state'
    temperature_command_topic: 'az_t/temperature/set'
    temperature_state_topic: 'az_t/state'

With the new “default_config:” option of HA 88.0 I’m getting this warning for each configured device:
Please remove [retain]. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/packages/fhem_mqtt.yaml, line 5).

Seems to be a bug as “retain” is an essential part of MQTT. But where is it coming from?

Best regards

There was a change in the code that now warns when components see unexpected attributes. This is a bug, you can write it up as an issue on github.

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thx @petro. I’ve filed an issue on github: