_config.yml error: did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping

I have looked through similar posts, and am convinced there must be a formatting error. After running 'bundle exec jekyll serve --watch" I get the following: “Error: …/_config.yml): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 117 column 10” I cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with my _config.yml (posted below):

# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.

# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.

title: "Sebastian O Rodriguez"
email: "[email protected]"
description: "<h4>Bio:</h4>"
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "https://sebastian-o-rodriguez.github.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. https://example.com
linkedin_username: "sebastianorodriguez"
github_username: "sebastian-o-rodriguez"
soundcloud_username: "rodriguez-o-sebas"
infoL: "Exploring and Improving peoples' interactions with technology.<br><br> 
        Currently working in Florida with local companies as a technology consultant, where I create websites, 
        update record keeping systems, and help companies get up-to-speed with modern business softwares.
        Independently working on the creation of easier-to-use music creation softwares. <br><br>
        (954) 856 4903 <br> 
        [email protected]"
infoR: "<h4>Now:</h4> Fort Lauderdale, FL <br> 
        <h4>From:</h4> Miami, FL <br><br><br>
        <h4>What:</h4> Creator<br>
        <h4>Focus:</h4> User Experience & Product Innovation
        <h4>Education:</h4><br> Carnegie Mellon University | PA
        <br> College of Engineering <br>
        BS Technology and Sonic Product Innovation <br> Minor Business Administration
projectsTitle: "Projects"

# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
# theme: phantom # Uncomment once published to RubyGems
  - jekyll-paginate-v2

# Site configuration for the Jekyll 3 Pagination Gem
# The values here represent the defaults if nothing is set
  # Site-wide kill switch, disabled here it doesn't run at all 
  enabled: true

  # Set to 'true' to enable pagination debugging. This can be enabled in the site config or only for individual pagination pages
  debug: false

  # The default document collection to paginate if nothing is specified ('posts' is default)
  collection: 'posts'

  # How many objects per paginated page, used to be `paginate` (default: 0, means all)
  per_page: 10

  # The permalink structure for the paginated pages (this can be any level deep)
  permalink: '/page/:num/' # Pages are index.html inside this folder (default)
  #permalink: '/page/:num.html' # Pages are simple html files 
  #permalink: '/page/:num' # Pages are html files, linked jekyll extensionless permalink style.

  # Optional the title format for the paginated pages (supports :title for original page title, :num for pagination page number, :max for total number of pages)
  title: ':title - page :num'

  # Limit how many pagenated pages to create (default: 0, means all)
  limit: 0
  # Optional, defines the field that the posts should be sorted on (omit to default to 'date')
  sort_field: 'date'

  # Optional, sorts the posts in reverse order (omit to default decending or sort_reverse: true)
  sort_reverse: true

  # Optional, the default category to use, omit or just leave this as 'posts' to get a backwards-compatible behavior (all posts)
  category: 'posts'

  # Optional, the default tag to use, omit to disable
  tag: ''

  # Optional, the default locale to use, omit to disable (depends on a field 'locale' to be specified in the posts, 
  # in reality this can be any value, suggested are the Microsoft locale-codes (e.g. en_US, en_GB) or simply the ISO-639 language code )
  locale: '' 

 # Optional,omit or set both before and after to zero to disable. 
 # Controls how the pagination trail for the paginated pages look like. 
    before: 2
    after: 2

  # Optional, the default file extension for generated pages (e.g html, json, xml).
  # Internally this is set to html by default
  extension: html

  # Optional, the default name of the index file for generated pages (e.g. 'index.html')
  # Without file extension
  indexpage: 'index'


### Phantom settings
footer_text: 'Sebastian Osmel Rodriguez'
admin_name: "&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; Sebastian Osmel Rodriguez"
google_analytics: "" # Update with your own tracking ID
enable_contact: false

#### Phantom Navigation menu
enable_nav: true
  - { url: '/projects', text: "Projects" }
  - { url: '/resume', text: "Resume &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;" }

I have no idea what this is (this is the Homeassistant forum, kinda thinking this isn’t where you thought you were!) but I suspect line 117 is enable_nav, because that’s not valid yaml.

You can either have a key and a value

key: value

Or a key and a list of values

  - value 1
  - value 2

But not both.