Configurable time & delay for device

I’m brand new to home-assistant coming from openhab. I’m trying to duplicate an openhab setup I had, where I have a zwave switch operating a pet food dispenser. In the app, I had eight configurable “feedings” that consisted of a time of day, a duration of feeding in seconds, and an on/off switch. This was to get my cats to eat enough not to bother me, but not too much to lose it all over the floor. I’d still like to have an interface to adjust these.

I tracked down a flashlight thread and an alarm clock thread, but I’m still a bit lost. How do I create these “feeding” objects and use them as triggers for a device to turn on and then off a few seconds later?

Take a look at the scripts docs for details about this. Notice the use of delay to pause the script between states.

A complete list of entities can be found on the states page of the UI. Left most icon at the bottom of the side navigation.