Configuration Invalid due to Secrets

Hi, i have a problem after an upgrade i guess.
When i go to Server Control and do a Check Configuration, i get the following error:
Configuration invalid
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secrets not supported in this YAML file

I haven’t done any changes to configuration.yaml or at secrets.yaml

For the last year, I have my configuration outside of configuration.yaml splitted in folders and files with !include and i haven’t change anything in this setup either.

Do you use the wundergroundpws custom component? If so, update it.

Hi. I did updated it and restart several times but the error still remains

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:53:27 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:53:27 AM

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secrets not supported in this YAML file

Update all your custom integrations

I have update everything!
I have in custom components :

If you are absolutely sure you have, force restart with CLI.
Your issue is that one (or more) custom integration (s) messed with the YAML loader.

The updated integrations is not loaded untill you restart so restart from the UI will not be possible

Thank you. That was it.