Configuration is not loading my YAML file

I am on Home Assistant 0.104.3
Recently I tried to make changes to configuration.yaml and other yaml file which are included from “includes” folder. But none of the changes are getting after I restart home-assistant.

So while looking at the folders, I found “.storage” and it has “lovelace” file and if I change in this file, the changes are reflecting in UI.

So how I can use YAML configuration instead of lovelace. Please guide me thanks.

What changes did you make and what were you expecting to see?

I just added a “sensor” and then add it to groups.


  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "venkat-home/watercontrol/$stats/signal"
    name: "WaterPump Signal"


    name: Devices OutDoor
      - binary_sensor.east_compound_online
      - sensor.waterpump_signal
      - binary_sensor.tvs_jupiter_status

I am not even able to change any text

   name: Devices OutDoor

if change text “Devices OutDoor” to “OutDoor Devices”, nothing is reflecting.

None of that will show up in lovelace, but it should show up in the states page.

I assume you are restarting home assistant after making changes?

Except I don’t think that’s what you are looking for and appear to be really confused on what goes where.

OK. Where do you expect this group to be seen? Did you add the GROUP to a Lovelace card?

Well, groups aren’t used in lovelace like they were in States UI…