Configurations not saving after reboot

I’m desperate for some help. I have updated to 2024.11.0 and now every time I reboot I loose any recent configurations. This is what happens after ‘every’ reboot…
1: Tuya integrations needs re authentication
2: Netatmo Integration needs re authentication
3: Devices deleted in Mobile App re appear
4: Local Tuya integration completely disappears and needs re installing and all devices re adding.

Can anyone help?


Having the same issue.

Did you figure that out?

in all the 2024.11 versions I have the same issue with Tuya and Fitbit auth, anyone fixed this?

Turned out to be an issue with the Meross Integration causing an error. do you have the Meross integration too??

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Same error, Even if I create some manual sensor. After reboot, they disappear. (They are still on my dashboard but with unavailable statut.)

Is someone find a solution?

The “unavailable” state may be caused by a template.

If you have the Meross integration activated: this is the cause of the problem. Delete the Meross integration, do a restart and the problems are gone.

yeah it was one of the metross ones that sorted it for me, not sure which one (lan or iot)

I have the same problem. Do you know which Meross is to blame? Meross HomeAssistan or LAN or Cloud IoT?

For me it was Cloud IoT causing the issue.