Configurator access bad site:

Hi Forum, i am using Heimdal and then i access Configurator in Hassio i see that “” is prompting me with Phishing content.


Who can fix this?

Tell heimdal they are wrong?

They are not, they tell me the site have content that can be phishing attempt!

have you visited the site?

The configurator access it behind the scenes, so i do not access it directly, but the configurator access the site, for no reason, it should be local access only, fix it.

Fix it yourself you arrogant prick.

How can you be so rude?

Please leave so we dont get that miminal happiness from you.

Saying “fix it” is rude. You don’t get to demand people fix something, or even what needs fixing.

Ace is the editing software that configurator uses. It is not a phishing site.

So I suggest again, tell heimdal to fix their false alert.

Or post an issue on the github page for configurator if you still continue with your delusional belief.