Configurator: Cannot edit

I am trying to edit “configuration.yaml” using the configurator wiht chrome web browser on Android, but really struggling.
Just installed Hassio on my rasberry Pi 3 and added the configurator. All works well using my PC and chrome web browser but on Android…

I must be doing something wrong here. Normally I like to use the Swiftkey keyboard but that doesn’t seem to work well when trying to use the configurator. I have to type all letters I want to use twice, why…? I cannot past anything either. So I switched to the standard Google keyboard and typing works better but I still cannot paste anything to any file using the configurator. I also noted that when I am at the end of a line and hit “Enter” the last letter of the line disappears so I have to type it twice.

Could anyone point me in the right direction to solve this? Any help is much appreciated.

Those are limitations of the editor-software that the configurator leverages. So there is no fix for those issues. The primary intented device to use the configurator is a regular computer. To get your issues solved you would have to post them at the repository of the Ace Editor:

To bad but thank you