Configure automation for Shelly MQTT buttonpress types


I am planning my smart stuff for my new house. I’d like to implement lots of Hue / Tradfri bulbs but have a requirement to be able to control them with light switches as well.

In order to achieve this I am thinking of the following setup

Pushbutton -> Shelly 1/2 Module -> MQTT -> HA -> Hue Bridge -> Hue Bulb

Reason for implementing a momentary switch is twofold:

  • looks better as the state of a regular switch does not need to represent the state of the light due to ability to control it via HA, App and lightswitch

  • ability to leverage multiple buttonpresses and actions associated with them.

The shelly sends a mqtt message on buttonpress for both on and off which could be used to detect the duration of the buttonpress.
See below:
shellies/shellyswitch-part of mac address of unit/input/0 1
shellies/shellyswitch-part of mac address of unit/input/0 0

I would like to use an automation to detect if the button is pressed for less than a second or more than a second to distinguish short and long presses but I am getting stuck with my automation.

Is there anybody who did this an could help out?

I have set press buttons 1 time, 2 time, 3 time and long press.

Someone in facebook shelly support have publist it

- id: '1545928456161'
  alias: Stetje tipke spalnica
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.pulsante
from: 'on'
platform: state
to: 'off'
  - data:
  entity_id: counter.spalnica
entity_id: counter.spalnica
service: counter.increment
- id: '1545928456162'
  alias: spalnica dolg pritisk
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.pulsante
  seconds: 1
platform: state
to: 'on'
  - data:
  entity_id: media_player.kodispalnica
service: media_player.media_next_track
  - data:
  entity_id: counter.spalnica
service: counter.reset
  - data:
  entity_id: counter.spalnica
service: counter.decrement
- id: '1545928456163'
  alias: Spalnica 1 klik
  - platform: state
entity_id: counter.spalnica
from: '0'
to: '1'
  milliseconds: 500
  - service: light.toggle
  entity_id: light.spalnica
  - service: counter.reset
entity_id: counter.spalnica
- id: '1545928456164'
  alias: Spalnica 2 klika
  - platform: state
entity_id: counter.spalnica
from: '1'
to: '2'
  milliseconds: 500
  - service: light.toggle
  entity_id: light.spalnica_solna_luc
  - service: counter.reset
entity_id: counter.spalnica
- id: '1545928456165'
  alias: Spalnica 3 kliki
  - platform: numeric_state
entity_id: counter.spalnica
above: 2
  milliseconds: 500
  - service: script.turn_on
  entity_id: script.1545691026230
  - service: counter.reset
entity_id: counter.spalnica

Also you need this in configuration

    initial: 0
    step: 1
    restore: true

Great! This has exactly what I was looking for and more. I did not even mention multiple presses but that is also covered here.
Thanks for sharing.

How do I figure out what / where my shelly1 is storing the binary sensor state?

Shelly does not store any data. It store it only on cloud, or send mqtt to hassio

Thanks for your fast reply :)!

I meant where do I find the MQTT requests (or so). My shelly for example sends on and off and has a name


the shelly itself is identified via shelly-123ABC

If I search the entities, I don’t see any button or sensor ID regarding the shelly.Thanks for your fast reply :)!

I ment where do I find the MQTT requests (or so). My shelly for example sends on and off and has a name

the shelly itself is identified via shelly-123ABC

If I search the entities, I don’t see any button or sensor ID regarding the shelly.

anyone ? please :hugs:

Use a Mqtt client like Mqtt fx, Mqtt explorer or Mqtt lens. Then you can watch the Mqtt messages

Allright. I’ve fot MQTT Explorer running and I’ve got a relay, input en longpush (that doesn’t do anything because it’s just a normal button I guess).

What I want is the folling

  • Toggle once; just turn on and off the kitchen lights
  • Toggle twice; turn on a script / scene

On input I’ve got 1 topic, 19 messages just on / off / on / off
On input I’ve got 2 topics, 21 messages but also just on / off / on / off

There seems to be nothing for me to work with?