I’m quite new to HomeAssistant and aim to control my SmartWares/Homewizard Devices with HA.
This for I developed a bash script that interacts with the “bridge” in Order to turn on/off my switches.
I can run this script on hass.io (commandline, ssh) and it turns on/off my switches. The script is stored in /home.
My Problem is one step before: when I try to create a switch in HA in configuration.yaml it doesn’t show up on the UI. My config for the switches looks like this:
- platform: command_line
command_on: bash /home/./send_homewizard.sh Lite Fernseher On
command_off: bash /home/./send_homewizard.sh Lite Fernseher Off
friendly_name: TV
The config check doesn’t give any errors but the device doesn’t appear on the HA UI.
Is there anything I missed out?
Thanks in advance!