Hello, guys.
Here’s what I want to achieve: i want to publish my smart home action on Google Actions and with that, being able to link multiple home assistant instances using this published action.
For me to publish the action I need a static authentication, token and fullfilment endpoint for that action on Google. So I cant use the normal method of linking HA with google assistant, because for that each HA will have it’s own endpoint and stuff.
Let’s say a have a server on Amazon AWS or Google Cloud. The endpoint, authentication and token for my Action will be this server.
When the user open his google home app and link to the published action that would redirect him to the AWS server.
But the question is: is there a way that the server would redirect the traffic to that specific client HA instance based on his google email, for example?
I would like to use all the OAuth2, fullfilment and token stuff from each HA instance, since all this work is already done. But how do I do that with one single endpoint for my published Google Action?
Hope that’s not too confusing.