Configuring Lovelace without losing the automatic entity generation

Hello everybody,

is it possible to configure the default lovelace ui (moving around some objects) but leaving the automatic entity generation active? I created a second page and I hoped the default page with automatic management is still on. Now I have the problem for example that entities won’t be generated automatically. One case are the switches if shelly firmware updates are available. I cannot see them and when I create them manually I will get an “missing entity” error when I start the firmware update.

Thanks in advance


You can have both. Look in Configuration / Lovelace Dashboards.

You can have one dashboard that is auto generated and a second dashboard that you have taken control of.

Hey Tom,

thank you for your answer. I just did that. But how can I configure the second ui? When I take control both dashboards losing their auto generation

I’m not sure to be honest. I’ve always taken control of my dashboards. I just read that it was possible to have both here,

That’s not normal behavior.

I created a second dashboard and took control of it. I did not take control of the first, default dashboard. All new entities that I create are automatically added to the default dashboard (and have to be manually added to the second dashboard). That’s how it’s supposed to work. A dashboard maintains its “auto-generation” until you take control of it.

Hey Taras,

thank you. I restored a previously created snapshot and I will try again.

Hey Tom,

thanks, I didn’t recognised this site yet, but it may help

I tried this again, now it’s working. I think I made a mistake. Thank you for your help!