Configuring Owntracks: how to get URLs, how to not have encryption

I am trying to set up the owntracks integration. Perhaps odd, but I am trying to use the https method (not mqtt) and I am trying to configure Phonetrack (a nextcloud thing) as the reporter instead of owntracks (because owntracks is not in f-droid, perhaps because it includes google frameworks (proprietary software)). This seems like it should work, as Phonetrack is said to be compatible with owntracks servers.

My two and a half problems are:

  • When adding the integration via the control panel, I am shown URLs to use. But there is no apparent way to see them later; going into the integrration again shows nothing.
  • There is an encryption key. I gather this is for when using a public MQTT broker, but it’s not necessary with https to my own server. And, Phonetrack does not seem to support payload encryption (perhaps viewing using public servers as unthinkable).
  • The API endpoint is crazy long.

Ordinarily, I could just configure this in yaml, or munge the config in .storage, but then I am not told the URL. Obviously I can figure this out, but it seems harder than it should be.
