Confirming a Kill

I built a smart rat trap, which is just a vibration sensor stuck on the trap. When it is set off, the vibration sensor triggers a notification.

Of course there is plenty of movement that might not be a kill. I could move the trap, rebait it, etc. I would therefore like to be able to confirm the kill, to enable counting.

My brain is not computing the best way to do this. I know that android and ios have actionable notifications, but I’d like it to work on the normal web interface.

Any ideas?

Tap action → increment input number?

Isn’t that only for actionable notifications via the companion apps? Or am I missing something?

I thought you wanted to do it from the dashboard. So any element (e.g. button) that supports a tap action.

Ahh got you

Thanks, that was what I needed. Still working on it, but that should work. Got a few extra traps to set up, then I might post the results.

Background, one of the rat traps caught a rat and fell down the back of the wood pile. By the time my stepson smelled and found it it was, errrrrr, yucky! Stepson finally approving HA!

Just leave it a bit longer and it will mummify. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I found a dessicated rat when pulling cables under the house in January. It had obviously eaten one of the rat baits I left under the house and in the roof a couple of years before. It was looking for a way out and water. Didn’t quite fit through the gap in the bricks near where I found it. Bone dry.


Yeah this one hadn’t reached that stage, but flies had certainly reached it!

Lovely. I have to clean up the occasional bird that flys into the glass balustrade around my deck. I learnt not to leave them there more than a few days or they end up crawling with maggots.

We’ve had them fly into our windows with similar affect.

What a disgusting little morning you guys have here. :face_vomiting:


I was just thinking the same!
Quite intriguing though

It’s the circle of life.