Confused about how to use OR and AND in my automation

Hello, I’m a little confused about how to add OR and AND condition to my automation, I would like to execute some actions and some of them just execute based on a condition.

In my automation I want to open the blind only if the sun elevation is above 0 or if its after sunrise

alias: Switch - PC On (Xiaomi)
description: ''
  - device_id: 3961eddd38b44c35a9a6d6b4f719ee84
    domain: deconz
    platform: device
    subtype: turn_on
    type: remote_button_short_press
condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8b9f32942ebb1e018a1d3582a38d94aa
    entity_id: light.h6159_80df
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 100
  - service: script.1593064896372
    data: {}
  - delay: '00:00:05'
  - service: script.pc_led_orange
    data: {}
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sun.sun
        attribute: elevation
        above: '0'
      - condition: sun
        after: sunrise
  - device_id: 6cecceaf6c9fdc7445da5e5a3bf7444d
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.shelly_shsw_25_40f520014146
    type: set_position
    position: 90
mode: single

Can’t have it work … any help would be appreciated.


These are the same thing. If the elevation is above zero it is after sunrise.

All you need is the example in the docs.

  condition: state  # 'day' condition: from sunrise until sunset
  entity_id: sun.sun
  state: 'above_horizon'

Or do you mean from sunrise to midnight?

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Hey @tom_l, thanks for the reply.

You’re right, both conditions are the same, I will use the one in the examples, anyway one of my doubts are about how are being applied the conditions, they are only applied to the very next action? or to all the further actions?

In my example, if the sun elevation is above 0, the cover would be opened, but if I add another action after this, will be executed no matter sun condition?

alias: Switch - PC On (Xiaomi)
description: ''
  - device_id: 3961eddd38b44c35a9a6d6b4f719ee84
    domain: deconz
    platform: device
    subtype: turn_on
    type: remote_button_short_press
condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8b9f32942ebb1e018a1d3582a38d94aa
    entity_id: light.h6159_80df
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 100
  - service: script.1593064896372
    data: {}
  - delay: '00:00:05'
  - service: script.pc_led_orange
    data: {}
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sun.sun
        attribute: elevation
        above: '0'
      - condition: sun
        after: sunrise
  - device_id: 6cecceaf6c9fdc7445da5e5a3bf7444d
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.shelly_shsw_25_40f520014146
    type: set_position
    position: 90
  - service: notify.mobile_app_oneplus
      title: Some title
      message: some message
mode: single

Would notify.mobile_app_oneplus be executed even if the sun elevation is below 0?

I don’t know if I have explained myself.


If the condition evaluates to false all further actions are skipped. So no, the mobile will not be notified.

If you want to conditionally run a single action then do more, look at the choose: action.

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Thanks! I’ll take a look at the choose: action. Thanks for clarifying how or and and works :slight_smile: