My setup mydomain --> cloudfare–> Traefik (reverse proxy)–> HomeAssitant
The combination of cloudflare (hiding my real IP) + Traefik for directing everything to secured network (http–> https) ,
first,do i really need to configure trusted_proxies?
What it actually does?
I guess I miss something very basic here .
I added the option to traefik to forward the headers for both
following some search i’ve done i came up for this configuration :
base_url: !secret base_url
# ip_ban_enabled: true
# login_attempts_threshold: 5
use_x_forwarded_for: true
- #traefik docker IP
- #not sure it required
- #router range
I create whoami docker for debug :
I see my actual IP + CF ip
X-Forwarded-For: xx.1xx.1x.xx0,
so i guess from traefik +CF setup - all ok
How can i confirm the proxy_setting are correct in HA?
What are the expected results if it configure correctly ?