Confused with mqtt socket and HA light


i purposely have not posted a config here because i elicit best practice rather than critique.


i have a 5x smart 240V mains sockets from MiHome and running client software on a pi that includes a mqtt broker.

i have the HA mqtt integration successfully connected to it. ml

my yaml is configured two interface with topics as switches with payloads 'on" and “off” unsurprisingly. anyway it all works

now, the sockets have various purposes and will turn on lights, or a outside water sprayer for the garden, or a heater.

question is…

id like to define “actual” entities that relfect what the sockets are switching, so, light, pump, heater. and i can swap sockets around the home but the “actual” entity is what i turn on and off … so some way of mapping a light to a socket ,a pump to a socket.

how do i do this in general as a concept please…ill. figure out the specifics but i dont know the approach to take

thank you

Well, there’s no dedicated domains for pump or heater (though there is for water_heater) as there is for light.

There’s also a template light you can use to wrap a switch, as well as switch_as_x.

There’s no template water heater though.


I’m asking how it can be done, examples of yaml please

its the generic concept of making mqtt entities into other devices/entities

am.i making sense

no idea what you mean by domains

Every entity belongs to a domain, a platform. For example switch.whale is in the switch domain.

There are only a few domains, and they’re fixed. You can’t create your own.

For most things you want switch_as_x - which is handled in the UI.

Perfect. Got it. Thanks.