Hi All,
Firstly, I’m new to Home Assistant, but will do my best to ask this question in the correct way.
I have a Bluetooth LE Water Pressure Sensor Transducer attached to a 20,000L rainwater tank that measures the amount of water left in the tank. This currently only works with the manufacturers Mobile App when you’re near the tank. I am trying to connect this to my Home Assistant setup so I can easily see the amount of water in the tank wherever I am.
Steps so far
I have placed an Intel NUC running Home Assistant OS within range and confirmed using bluetoothctl that the NUC’s BT adapter can connect to the unit and receive data. I have tried using the Bluetooth Tracker and Bluetooth LE Trackers in HA, both of which I got running successfully, but they didn’t seem to provide much in the way of useable data from the device. The device was discovered ok, and an entity added however I’m not sure what the next step would be to actually glean further information and display that in HA Dashboard. It seems to me these aren’t the right tools for this job.
I’ve also read that these two don’t provide access to all of the Passive GATT information available from a BLE device and I need something more like the Passive BLE Monitor although this was developed for Mi devices only it seems as I tried this and it wasn’t able to discover my particular Bluetooth device.
I’ve also used a BLE Scanner on my mobile phone to interrogate the Transducer unit and identify some of the data types it is broadcasting. It seems the information is there, I just need a way to get it into HA, then perform some math on the data and display it in lovelace.
What I think needs to happen
I’ve proven that I can connect to the Transducer unit from the Bluetooth adapter of the NUC itself, using bluetoothctl. Similar to hassio-bluepiaudio, it seems to be there should be a way to access the information being received via Bluetooth in Home Assistant and leverage as a sensor of some sort. I’d like to avoid any extra devices e.g. ESP32 for now.
Lastly, apologies I had links and pictures of everything but there’s a limit on the number of these for first time posters so had to remove them all.
Relevant Information
System Info
Version: core-2021.5.5
Installation Type: Home Assistant OS
Development: false
Supervisor: true
Docker: true
Virtual Environment: false
Python Version: 3.8.9
Operating System Family: Linux
Operating System Version: 5.4.109
CPU Architecture: x86_64
Timezone: Australia/Sydney
Home Assistant Supervisor
Host Operating System: Home Assistant OS 5.13
Update Channel: stable
Supervisor Version: supervisor-2021.05.4
Docker Version: 19.03.15
Disk Total: 6.6 GB
Disk Use: 3.0 GB
Healthy: true
Supported: true
Board: intel-nuc
Supervisor API: ok
Version API: ok
Installed Add-ons: SSH & Web Terminal (8.2.3)
Bluetooth chip: Antenova A10192
Transducer Model: TDWLB-LC0030134