Connect Athom Presence Sensor to a hidden SSID?

ESPHome n00b here. I have a hidden SSID I want to connect my Athom presence sensor to. I downloaded this and added this line:

ssid: Hidden Secret Neteork
password: password1234
fast_connect: true

And tried adding it to the “OTA Update” box when logging into the device and clicking “update” and I get:

Update Failed: ERROR[10]: Magic byte is wrong, not 0xE9

(In fact I get this error even if I don’t edit the config whatsoever) A web search of which comes up with not many results. I feel like there’s something obvious I’m missing?


Can you share your whole sketch ? also the error shows up during start of upload no ?


That’s a fairly complex config, I suspect that you are running into memory issues doing an OTA update. Remember the device needs to store the NEW firmware as well as the old when updating.

Try removing the web_server: component, flash via USB then see if OTA works.

EDIT: Also, if that doesn’t work, remove the ap: line and try again.

I hope your wifi credentials match with the one you added…

I assumed that was the default config? Is there a way to just grab the existing config it shipped with off of the device?

Sorry, what do you mean by sketch? Is there a way to extract the existing .yaml config from the device?

it’s what happened if you did the initial config properly when you received the device: connect at ap generated by the device, configure wifi, then it should show up in ESPHome Builder where you can adopt it and then you get the whole sketch (yaml file of it) that you can edit and modify :wink:
if you overwrote it you can just download the yaml file from Athom github and flash through USB.

I uh, did not do any of that? Haha sorry like I said I am a n00b.I just connected it to a (not hidden) wifi network, added the IP to Home Assistant integration and it’s been working fine.

As a test, I installed ESP Home builder HA addon but no devices show up (as I said HA integration detects the sensors fine and I can log into the Web UI).

No. If it was a pre-configured device and complies with ESPHome standards you should be able to adopt the device in the add-on. Otherwise just create a new device with the yaml from the website.

How did you do this if you don’t have the yaml?

If it was a pre-configured device and complies with ESPHome standards you should be able to adopt the device in the add-on

I’m not seeing an “adopt” or “discover” option in the ESPHome Device Builder addon, and clicking “new device” does not appear to scan for existing devices. Like I said the device is recognized by the integration just fine, but I feel like I’m missing something obvious.

Otherwise just create a new device with the yaml from the website

Which website?

How did you do this if you don’t have the yaml?

I edited the yaml I downloaded (from here) with a text editor. But like I said even the unedited version was spitting the same error. I had assumed the yaml at the link provided was the default config for the device but based on your previous comment (about it being “complex”) I’m now wondering if it’s not.

OTA will probably not work, as I have already stated.

You can create a new device - give it the name “Athom Presence Sensor”, then paste the yaml in there.

You can then edit it in the ESPHome Builder add-on, then I suggest you try uploading via USB. If you can’t do that because the device has no USB port, I reckon you are stuck with whatever SSIDs you can connect to using the method you already used…