Connect IP Camera to HA thought itd be easy but issues

Hello All,
I am a new Home Assistant User. I have a few cameras around my house and I would love to set them up in HA and add some features to them once I get them streaming and working. I currently have them working with ISpy and I have the IP and RTSP stream. I am able to view them on VLC and ISpy.
These are boavision ip cameras I also contacted them thinking I may be using the wrong address for home assistant but I tried all that they gave me so maybe its my config. I’m not to sure…
When I view the stream on VLC the username/password box pops up and I have to enter it for the stream to start. I was thinking maybe that’s my issue that HA is not using my user/pass in the config. Well anyways…
My rtsp addresses I can use according to boa is:
rtsp:// or rtsp://
In VLC I got it working with:

Here is my config in HA.
Ive tried authentication basic and digest.


  - platform: generic
    name: "Backyard"
    still_image_url: none #"http://username:[email protected]/tmpfs/auto.jpg"
    stream_source: "rtsp://" #"rtsp://"
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
    verify_ssl: false
    authentication: basic

Does it say anything in the system log?

I ended up having to remove the authentication on my camera and use the ffmpeg integration rather than the generic camera one.

what kind of cameras do you have?
all the log says is cannot connect to IPADDRESS:Port cannot start stream.

It doesnt give me much more info…

Just cheap Chinese generic ones - don’t even have a brand name and the security on them is atrocious.

Sorry - not much help for your issue.

Tried with

stream_source: "rtsp://username:[email protected]:554/1/h264major"

Oh, you mentioned digest…

What about HA’s addon Motioneye??
Work very well for me :wink:

@zoogara I just got a stream working!
I changed generic to mjpeg and found a code sdk i used to see how it generated the url and I got it to stream. in the dashboard it updates every 10 seconds
I also tried to add 2 cams but only 1 is recognized.
do you know how to update cam on dashboard more frequently? also config for multiple cams here is what I have im gunna keep plating with it to get it.

  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: none
    stream_source: "stream"
    name: "testConfig"
    verify_ssl: false

    - platform: mjpeg
      name: "mjpegCam"
      mjpeg_url: "stream"
      verify_ssl: false
      still_image_url: "img"

In your Lovelace.yaml (or in the config dialog if you used the GUI) there is a camera_view: option - your only two choices are “auto” (what you have now) or “live”.

So it’s only every 10 secs or real time as far as I can see.

There is a custom card:

Which is also available though HACS. That lets you set LOTS of options.

And adding two camera should be just a matter of a different name. In this example two camera entities are created using just the one physical camera.

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: "Shed Camera HiRes"
    input: rtsp://name:[email protected]:554/onvif1
  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: "Shed Camera LoRes"
    input: rtsp://name:[email protected]:554/onvif2

Post your full camera definition if you can’t get it to work.

So i finally got my streams working on home assistant. What do you do for recording? I would like to record on motion. I’m thinking about trying to setup frigate so i can detect people and cars. but the recording part I am just looking into now. this is all I have for my yaml atm. (my previous post with names on each cam.)