Connection to synapse wireless devices

I have a private mqtt broker running and I can send and receive messages via my HA. My HA is running supervised on debian 12
The payload is a json file sent from my synapse wireless app running on a raspberry Pi 4. However when I view mqtt under settings/integration it shows 1 entity but no devices. The pay load is

data_json = data_json = {
“event”: “E:236663”,
“details”: [
{“enabled”: “A:True”,
“device”: “centralHeat”,
“date_time”: “231023”,“Time”: “18:45”,
“outsideT1”: “6.2”,
“outsideT2”: “7.2”,
“frequency”: “daily”,
“action”: [
{“type”: “switch”,“state”: “on”,“setTemp”: 0, “pwm”: 56}


“unique_id”: “HouseMon”,
“device” : {
“name”: 0,


Question is how do I use the data in the json file to provide data in the overview and be able to publish commands to the synapse wireless app.

Solved : the synapse drivers run under python2.7 so I instantiated a mytt client on the original controlling software and now I get feed from sensors from these sensors into my HA