Containers not starting without internet access

Hi there,

Everytime I start HA without an internet connection HA does not becomes available (not web interface etc). Only one container starts

796e9a0644b2 homeassistant/armv7-hassio-observer:2020.10.1 “/init” 3 days ago Up About a minute>80/tcp hassio_observer

If I boot it with internet connection everything starts as it should.
Since I need to use this installation in a place where there is no internet connection, I would really appreciate some help on this.


The problem is that the containers need access to an NTP server to get the correct time. The NTP server address is fixed in the Hass OS container as far as I know.

Supposedly, one can change the NTP servers by following the procedure explained here

I did it and I started receiving periodic requests on my local NTP server.

If it is normal to receive periodic NTP requests, I guess everything related to NTP is working fine.
If “HA” only sends one NTP request when booting and after that it does not try to sync anymore, then something is not working because I receive multiple requests along the time.

Any other ideas? How to debug this situation?