Continuous Loop Sequence


Any way of preventing a continuous loop if your output, eg scene service, calls one of you’re triggers, eg light?

Basically I’m trying to develop a sequence which:

  1. Triggers on the switching on of any one of three lights (if the other two are off), selecting a input_select based on time of day (3 options) and then call a scene based on the input_select,
  2. Triggers on manually selecting the input_select, calling the scene based on the input_select and;
  3. Triggers on the switching off of all three lights, selecting the input_select to off.



disable a trigger state node after it fires then it won’t listen for changes until you explicitly turn it back on downstream.

You can probably use the trigger node.

When set up as above it let’s one message pass through and the rest will be blocked until I send a message with payload “reset”