I stumbled on Hass.io because I bought a couple of Xiaomi-Philips bulbs that had no native integration with Amazon Alexa. Thanks to Home Assistant, I’ve got both lamps working via voice commands in Alexa. But I’m not stopping there.
What I need to do next is to create an IFTTT recipe that will turn on one of the lamps (bedside lamp) when my alarm goes off. Off the shelf smart WiFi switches or products such as Philips HUE have native integration with IFTTT, but not HA.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I might accomplish this?
Its not. hard, but you need to get some things working first, from the link above:
To be able to receive events from IFTTT, your Home Assistant instance needs to be accessible from the web. This can be achieved by forwarding port 8123 from your router to the device running Home Assistant. If your ISP is giving you a new IP address from time to time, consider using DuckDNS.
Once you have the DuckDNS add-on working, it’s just a matter of sending the correct commands from IFTTT to HASS.
I would also make sure you have SSL set up to keep it all secure.
There are a number of switches that work directly with HA. I personally have both belkin Wemo and TP link switches but I personally prefer TP link ones.
List of switches that work with HA:
How are you planning on integrating your alarm going off? Is that what you are using IFTTT for. Not sure if the alarm is via alexa or your phone or something else.
I’ve got as far as inserting my API Key into configuration.yaml. I’m no programmer so I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around entities and whatnots. I understand that the ball is definitely in my court here and I really need to get a grasp on the concepts.
For DNS, I’ve got a different dynamic DNS mechanism already going so I shouldn’t have to fire up DuckDNS, right? Port forwarding is fairly straightforward.
There’s a feature in Alexa where you can ask it to wake you up at a certain time. There’s also a ready-made IFTTT recipe that triggers “something” when Alexa’s alarm goes off. This was working fine when I was using a smart pluggable WiFi switch (controlled through Smart Life). Now, I’ve replaced them with Xiaomi-Philips smart bulbs (for their dimming and color temperature capabilities) with HA being the bridge between the bulbs and Alexa.