Control HA using Windows Speech Recognition

I’m wondering has anyone tried controlling HA using Windows Speech Recognition (WSR)?

I came across WSR Macros. It seems I can customize the voice commands with it.

Potential possibilities are using “Run a Program” option…

From there, I can use a command line MQTT client for windows and use it to publish to certain topic with payload that will trigger and automation in HA. For example…

But I don’t know which command line MQTT client for windows to use.

Another possibilities is using Advanced option where I can input XML to create more complicated speech macros. But it seems to complicated to me.

Any advice/suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I have been meaning to look in to this for some time

but I haven’t got around to it yet.

thanks. but cortana is not yet available in my location.

OK. I manage to make some progress here. I managed to install MQTT client on my PC and executed the macros which publish to the MQTT broker. Here is how I did it.

  1. Download mosquitto-1.4.14-install-win32.exe from and install it on the PC.
  2. Download Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2L Light from and install it. Do not select the v1.1x version. During installation, select Copy OpenSSL DDLs to: The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory.
  3. After installation, go to the installation directory (e.g. C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin) and copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to the mosquitto installation directory.
  4. Go to and copy ‘pthreadVC2.dll’ to the mosquitto directory.
  5. Now, right click on WSR Macros in Windows System Tray and select New Speech Macro… and select Run a Program.
  6. Enter any phrase you would like to speak to trigger the command in the first field. E.g. Hello World
  7. In the second field, enter the path to mosquitto_pub.exe. E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto\mosquitto_pub.exe
  8. In the final field, enter the command line arguments. E.g. -h -u yourusername -P yourpassword -t mypc/test -m "Hello World"

This will publish “Hello World” to this topic; mypc/test when you Hello World in WSR.