I’m trying to control a NeoPixel Ring (Link) containing 16 x 5050 RGBW LEDs.
I assumed that I would be able to by using an ESP32 programmed with ESPHome.
After connecting the NeoPixel ring to the appropriate ESP32 pinouts (Gnd, 5+ and GPIO22) I tried the following code within ESPHome but it’s not working at all:
Thanks for your suggestion.
These settings result in one white LED & one persistently green despite changing the colour palette. Neither LED could be switched off via the ESPHome settings.
The logs are:
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/neo.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from neo.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to neo.local
[22:21:51][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2022.10.0 compiled on Oct 23 2022, 22:12:48
[22:21:51][C][wifi:502]: WiFi:
[22:21:51][C][wifi:360]: Local MAC: 40:91:51:9B:3E:60
[22:21:51][C][wifi:361]: SSID: 'NoT'[redacted]
[22:21:51][C][wifi:362]: IP Address:
[22:21:51][C][wifi:364]: BSSID: 7E:8A:20:81:FD:D7[redacted]
[22:21:51][C][wifi:365]: Hostname: 'neo'
[22:21:51][C][wifi:367]: Signal strength: -54 dB ▂▄▆█
[22:21:51][C][wifi:371]: Channel: 11
[22:21:51][C][wifi:372]: Subnet:
[22:21:51][C][wifi:373]: Gateway:
[22:21:51][C][wifi:374]: DNS1:
[22:21:51][C][wifi:375]: DNS2:
[22:21:51][C][logger:275]: Logger:
[22:21:51][C][logger:276]: Level: DEBUG
[22:21:51][C][logger:277]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[22:21:51][C][logger:278]: Hardware UART: UART0
[22:21:51][C][light:104]: Light 'NeoPixel Light'
[22:21:51][C][light:106]: Default Transition Length: 1.0s
[22:21:51][C][light:107]: Gamma Correct: 2.80
[22:21:51][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[22:21:51][C][mdns:100]: mDNS:
[22:21:51][C][mdns:101]: Hostname: neo
[22:21:51][C][ota:089]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[22:21:51][C][ota:090]: Address: neo.local:3232
[22:21:51][C][ota:093]: Using Password.
[22:21:51][C][api:138]: API Server:
[22:21:51][C][api:139]: Address: neo.local:6053
[22:21:51][C][api:141]: Using noise encryption: YES
Thanks for this suggestion. You are correct that the NeoPixels are RGBW - hence my original type & variant choices.
I have just tried changing the variant to WS2812X - the result being a single white LED permanently on.
I’m beginning to think either an ESP32 isn’t capable of controlling these NeoPixels (Signal timing requirements?) or there is something wrong with the device.