Hi all,
I’m just getting my hands dirty with HA, so please be gentle.
- HA running on a virtual machine on an old Mac Mini.
- Mosquito / Grafana installed and running
- Shelly EM3 to monitor electricity used
- Victron PV Charger, LiFePo4 battery
- HoyMiles inverter connected with OpenDTU
I’d need some code to run every few seconds, to read the Battery state of charge (from Victron) and the current electricity consumption (From the Shelly). With those values, I need to do some if-thens & some math, and calculate the PowerLimit on the Inverter via OpenDTU.
I could use some feedback on what the appropriate way would be, to implement something like this.
Do I put this in an automation that triggers every few seconds?
Is this better done with via ESPHome and have a dedicated board for this?
Or even leave HA and set this up on an WiFi enabled Arduino which reads and sets via MQTT?
would be great to hear some pro’s and con’s, more questions will then propably follow as the setting becomes more concrete.
thanks already,