I’m just getting started with HA on my RP3b+ using the hassbian install (?)
I have managed to set up HA so that i can control my receiver ON/OFF via automation when the connected chromecast enters “playing”-state and set the correct input and volume.
The next step now is to be able to turn ON/OFF TV.
The TV is a non-smart 60" plasma LG, it has HDMI CEC or “Simplink” as LG calls it, but so far I have not been able to figure out how to control this.
Hopefully someone has some tips on how to accomplish this. Alternatively I will have to try and get the GlobalCache IR blaster to work with HA, but I want to avoid too much complications if not neccesary.
No I didn’t.
After writing this post I learned that the Chromecast has HDMI CEC capabilities and shoul be able to turn TV ON/OFF and set the correct input. However I could not get this working.
Thinking maybe the CEC was blocked somehow in the receiver I tried connecting the CC directly to the TV.
I could get the CC to turn the TV on (via the recently aquired Google Home Mini and the command “Turn the livingroom TV on”, but that is all. I was not able to make it turn off.
I’m suspecting that LG is a bit incompatible and only supports “Simplink”-devices (other LG-products)
Also, by enabling Simplink on the TV and CEC on the receiver things are not controlled in a logical or at least desired way:
Turning the TV off also turns the receiver off.
Turning the receiver on also turns on the TV
The TV will also turn on when the receiver is off
At this point i find the whole Simplink/CEC function to be too “basic” and/or unpredictable to my use and I want to control both the receiver and TV independently.
The receiver can be controlled via IP. I can turn it on/off and switch inputs, but the volume setting is not working. The receiver does not have 0-1 volume level setting, it seems to have 0-1,3, which Home Assistant can’t deal with and it will not handle receiving a command that does not exactly match the receivers volume levels (i believe 0.3db steps)
When using the internal Chromecast Audio the 0-1 volume setting works from Home Assistant via media_player.“internal chromecast device”
I have just read that the Raspberry has HDMI CEC…considering to do a test with the Pi connected to the unused HDMI of the TV.
Hoping that it can give me independent control of the TV and receiver as I want to make automations/rule in Home Assistant that decide if the TV should be on or not based on what content/service is beeing streamed to what device.
Chromecast Ultra/Chromecast audio (in the receiver) and if the source is Spotify/Google Music etc and content type is music or for example tv-show.
Of course any tips or ideas would be deeply appreciated as I’m venturing into nknown territory