Controller showing disconnected in Z-Wave JS UI

I am having an issue in the Z-Wave JS UI that the controller is showing as disconnected when using a Chrome web browser on a PC to interact - but I do see it “flicker” to green/connected about every second, like it is trying. However, at the same time the Z-Wave network is working and when I take a look at the UI through the Android app, the controller shows as connected and I can interact with my devices. I am not sure what is causing this or how to troubleshoot. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I am using a Smartstick G8.


This icon indicates that your web browser connection (Chrome on your PC) is disconnected from the Z-Wave JS UI server backend (frontend is the JS code running in the browser, server backend is the JS code on your server talking to the Z-Wave driver). The frontend uses a websocket connection to the backend to provide updates in the UI when things change. It doesn’t indicate any status related to the Z-Wave controller itself.

You’ll need to provide more information about your installation. Are you using HAOS and the add-on? Or your own Docker install? Do you have a reverse proxy in front of it ZUI? Have you tried another browser like Firefox? Etc.

You can also try looking at the Chrome debugger to see if it indicates anything. The network section has websocket information.

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Ah - thank you for that clarification!

I have a very vanilla installation using HAOS on an Intel NUC, plus the Z-Wave JS UI add-on and the Z-Wave integration. No proxies or anything else in between the box and my system.

And I did just try it with Edge on the same PC and the connection light flickered for a few seconds and then connected. Looking in Chrome console I can see that the websocket connection failed multiple times. So this does give me the direction to further troubleshoot within my local PC. I appreciate your help on this!