If anybody has an Eight Sleep mattress you may find this useful.
The Eight Sleep mattress is amazing for temperature control, but the app-based adjustment isn’t ideal at night.
I wanted a simpler way to control my Eight Sleep mattress during the night, without the hassle of unlocking my phone and navigating the app. That’s when I had the idea to use the ATOMS3 Dev Kit to create a small, dedicated button for temperature control. This tiny ESP32 device features an integrated display and button, making it perfect for the task.
The device shows the current temperature, target heating level, sleep stage, and bed state on its display. With a press of the button, you can cycle through predefined temperature settings, and it integrates seamlessly with Home Assistant for enhanced automation and control.
I did a full write up of the ESPhome config and Home Assistant automations involved here for anybody who wants to give it a try. GitHub - jkpe/eight-sleep-m5stack-atoms3: Use the ATOMS3 Dev Kit to create a small, dedicated button for Eight Sleep temperature control.