I’m wondering if I’ve reached a limit here. I should probably just figure out why Snips isn’t working for me, but here I am for now:
I have this block in a file called conversation.yaml, which aside from this contains only the ShoppingList lines. It is linked to configuration.yaml
sentence: What's the weather like
service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.vlc
message: The temperature currently is {{states (‘sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary’) }}
HA has a heart attack when it sees this. Gives me an error when I reboot.
Is TTS outside the capability of the Conversation component, or did I just do something silly?
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you will need to call the template service to have a message that grabs the dark sky info like that (as far as my limited knowledge of templates goes), plus indentation etc up the $#!t
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Here is how I get my TTS to state the temp in the morning
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.mini_speaker
message: 'Good morning. The temperature outside is currently {{ states.sensor.yr_temperature.state }} degrees.'
It’s an automation though so needs to be in the correct yaml file. This is just the action. The full automation is triggered by a time of day and has a few conditions like day of the week and if we’re home or not. It also has to turn on the power for the TTS speakers and then turns it back off once the TTS message is delivered.
Yes, the indentation in my file is clearer than what you see here.
Would I be able to call the template service within this file? Or would I have to create the template somewhere else and call it here?
call the template as @jonathanp has shown above