Core energy cards/graphs not always displaying data in custom dashboard

I have energy configured and working perfectly in the stock/core Energy dashboard (in the HA sidebar).

When I create by own dashboard using the stock energy cards, sometimes it works and other times the charts are empty. I can’t seem to find why this is.

When this happens, if I check the core energy dashboard - the data is showing correctly.

here is my yaml - very simple setup just for testing.

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: heading
    icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
    heading: Energy
    heading_style: title
  - type: energy-date-selection
  - type: energy-distribution
  - type: energy-solar-graph
  - type: energy-usage-graph

As no one else seems to be having the issue I would start by removing the custom-stack-in card and just put the energy cards separately in a dashboard section. This will eliminate the custom card as the source of the issue.

Thanks Tom. My thinking too and have changed my test config to not use stack in card and I will monitor.

Apologies for the duplicate post. My bad.

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Still happening.

The built-in energy dashboard is always fine but not custom

Use your web browser console to check for errors. F12 then select “Console”.

I am making progress investigating (i can reproduce it) but I have no idea what is causing the issue or how to fix it.

To troubleshoot, I have created a new dashboard. In this dashboard I have one view with core solar date selector and charts. I also have my normal / prod solar dashboard view in my main dashboard.

What I have found is there is something weird happening when the webpage reloads (shift control R in windows or command R on a mac).

If I reload web page on my prod solar view - then I get the issue with data not displaying.

If I immediately then view to the test view/dashboard. The issue is present. If I reload page on the test dashboard then data/page loads correctly.

If I then go back to my prod solar view, the data is correct again.

So there is something weird happening when the solar page is reloaded in my prod dashboard but not in test.

This is so weird.

Are you using energy-period-selector-plus card? AFAIK that breaks all energy cards and should not be used, don’t recall if it was ever fixed.

Try in safe mode without custom resources.

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Thanks for your help. Much appreciated as this has been driving me nuts! I am using the selector plus card in my prod dashboard but not in test.

I think I might have found the issue. Just doing some testing now and will report back shortly

You are right. Looks like it is the selector plus card. If I switch it with stock selector then it seems to work correctly…