Cors_allowed_origins question

So i am new to HASS and i am trying to use the resfull API to change a switch state from a web page i have, using ajax post command.
when i try to run the post command i get the error with the cross domain issue which is blocked by my browser and do not allow me to issue such post commands from different domains (suppose to be security issue).

One simple solution ,i found, should be using cors HA http, which is suppose to be supported by HA, with setting the cors_allowed_origins to my other computer IP address.

Unfortunately, this does not work and i am not sure if the problem is with my setup or is it with HA, does any one know if i need to give my IP address only or with the http prefix ar with the port?

Or am i completely out here and thats not the solution i need.


Did you find a fix to this problem? I am running into a similar issue with accessing HA through an iframe on my apache web server.

Not really but for my needs i found a workaround for this.

What do you need it for? maybe my workaround can help you.

I had used a tab in my configuration file instead of spaces. The ‘/t’ was interfering with that line of the configuration.yaml so it wasn’t seeing my http://192.168… address. Easy fix!

Thanks for the update Jon, can you show your exact configuration (not the actual IP ;)) please?